AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

At the premier video game convention, PAX Prime in Seattle in 2015, video game developer Deep Silver displayed 2 of their featured games on the main exhibition floor - Homefront: The Revolution and This War of Mine: The Little Ones. The convention booth, designed and built by Sparks, a global brand experience agency based in Philadephia, PA, featured game stations, a brand film theater, and more. Seattle Corporate Trade Show Photography ©2015 Ari Shapiro -

Trade Show Photography: Deep Silver at PAX Prime 2015

At the premier video game convention, PAX Prime in Seattle in 2015, video game developer Deep Silver displayed 2 of their featured games on the main exhibition floor – Homefront: The Revolution and This War of Mine: The Little Ones.  The convention booth, designed and built by Sparks, a global brand experience agency based in Philadephia, PA, featured game stations, a brand film theater, and more.  Seattle Corporate Trade Show Photography ©2015 Ari Shapiro –

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