AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

Top Bartenders in Portland, OR are part of the festivities for the Jameson Bartenders Ball. ©2013 Ari Shapiro -

Event Photography

Event Photographer – AShapiro Studios

AShapiro Studios specializes in event photography of all sorts. We help producers show value to clients, vendors, customers and guests. Whether your needs are for print or digital advertising, social media, recaps, annual reports, interactive displays, marketing materials, case studies, research projects, or simply archival, Event Photography by AShapiro Studios is great for:

  • PR Events
  • Annual Meetings
  • Shareholder Meetings
  • Product Launches
  • Store Openings
  • Brand Events
  • Product Marketing Events
  • Trade Shows
  • Community Events
  • Fundraising Events
  • Industry Events

Look through our event photography collections and schedule AShapiro Studios as your event photographer today!

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