Turkey and stuffing – family gathered around the fireplace – and family photos!

In this 3 hour workshop, learn how to use that fancy camera to capture great family photos! We’ll cover a range of topics including:
- Posing your family members to help them look their best
- Working with large and small families
- Camera settings for indoor, outdoor, day and night photography
- Working with challenging light
- Looking for the ‘right’ shot
- Beyond the People
- Accessories you might want to incorporate

Students of this workshop are in for a real treat! Everyone will have the opportunity to act both as a photographer, putting your recently learned skills into practice, but you’ll also have the opportunity to gain first-person experience as the model – helping you learn how to pose people in your photo.

Just in time for the holiday season… Do you have a seasonal gift picked out for the photographer in your family? We’ll also offer a section on great gifts for the shutterbugs appropriate for all experience levels and budgets.

This workshop will be held at the Bellevue Club (11200 SE 6th St, Bellevue, WA) from 6-9p. Tuition is $45. To register, contact Kaarin Keil, Bellevue Club Membership Director: KaarinK@BellevueClub.com. Bring along your camera and dress to model as we all take turns both in-front and behind the lens. See you there!