AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

The Battle Is On! Cinco de Mayo 2015 at Snoqualmie Casino with El Jimador Tequila, Leccia Tobacco, Montejo Cerveza and Lucha Libre wrestlers - 12 luchadors fighing it out for the $5000 prize! Event Video ©2015 Ari Shapiro -

Seattle Event Video: Macho Libre at Snoqualmie Casino

How close can I get?

That’s the only question I needed to answer.

I got the call from Snoqualmie Casino to create a video for an event they were holding on Cinco de Mayo featuring Lucha Libre wrestlers – Macho Libre.  A ring, a ref, guys in masks leaping from top ropes – I wanted to feel it. How close could I get?

Turns out, “As close as you want, as long as you’re not in the ring.” Alright!!  Only, that’s a rule that was made to be broken, too.

Warm ups came and into the ring I went.  Whipped around and luchadors running past me at top speed showed me exactly what was in store for the evening.  But where was the story?

The search for $5,000.  Yeah, that’s a pretty good hook!  12 guys entered the ring and only 1 came out the winner.  Who was it?  Watch on!

Macho Libre at Snoqualmie Casino from AShapiro Studios.

The Battle Is On! Cinco de Mayo 2015 at Snoqualmie Casino with El Jimador Tequila, Leccia Tobacco, Montejo Cerveza and Lucha Libre wrestlers – 12 luchadors fighing it out for the $5000 prize!