AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

Tag: NW

  • Event Photography: Bowling in Spokane with Bartenders and Sailor Jerry

    Event Photography: Bowling in Spokane with Bartenders and Sailor Jerry

    About 15 years ago, bowling saw a huge rebirth.  The Big Lebowski had just come out, there were 24 hour bowling alleys… and then things started to decline.  Real estate developers realized the land under these bowling alleys was worth much more than the pines and lanes that sat on them, and long-standing bowling alleys…

  • Light Painting the 4th

    A camera sees light.  Where you have exposed light, the camera will capture it.  Where there is no light, nothing appears in the photo.  Based on that, given the right environment, you can control what your camera sees and what it doesn’t using a light source that you control, known as “Light Painting.”