AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

Category: Travel

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 8: Phoenix

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 8: Phoenix

    Hot. Too Hot. When the call first came in (which I talked about in Part 1 of this series), I remember one of the thoughts that went through my head was about the heat.  Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Phoenix, NJ, Atlanta and Philadelphia…  in July. In Houston, Thunderstorms cooled things off right at the peak of…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 7: Chicago

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 7: Chicago

    Everything that Dallas was – slow, away from the action, small stadium, etc – Chicago was exactly the opposite The Chicago event was outside a sold-out Soldier Field. Still no press credentials so we couldn’t shoot any of the game play, but a very busy footprint made for a very fun day. This is a…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 6: Dallas

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 6: Dallas

    Not every shoot goes according to plan. You can prepare, and plan, and it’s always the thing you weren’t expecting that will come up to bite you. Like I mentioned in Part 4, even tho this blog series is called “Shooting the CONCACAF Gold Cup,” Dallas – the 3rd shoot in the run – is…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 5: Data Management

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 5: Data Management

    7 Cities. 9 Events. Still Photography and Video. Gigs, and gigs, and gigs of data.  As I write this, we’re barely over half-way through this run of 9 shoots, and – including the transcoded and rendered video files – we’re already over 1 TB of data.  How to manage it all is a big question.…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 4: Houston

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 4: Houston

    Less than a month. From the first call, it was less than a month until the first shoot in Houston. In Part 1 of the series I talked about getting the call, then spent Part 2 planning the trip and Part 3 planning the equipment – now it’s time to shoot! I just want everything…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 3: Planning The Gear

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 3: Planning The Gear

    I get lots of questions about my photography. I like answering them. The #1 place people look at my photos are on their phones (websites, social media, etc), and the #1 tool I use to show people my photos (in person) is my phone.  The #1 question I get about the photos is “Did you…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 2: Planning The Trip

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 2: Planning The Trip

    I’ve said the words many times. I’ve heard many-a-person say the same. “I’m A Planner.” Well, I think everyone is a planner… to different degrees.  Sometimes when I talk about my travel and event photography work, I see a lot of gaping mouths and a lot of ‘wow’ comments; the same as when I watch…

  • CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 1: Getting the Call

    CONCACAF Gold Cup Event Photography – Part 1: Getting the Call

    I don’t know how they got my name initially. I wish I did. Octagon is a Sports, Music and Entertainment Marketing company based in Connecticut, with 68 offices spread around the world.  Their team in Chicago, among other things, manages their Allstate Insurance business and their sponsorship of soccer events throughout the US.  I first…

  • Caribbean Cruise Part 5: Princess Juliana International Airport

    Caribbean Cruise Part 5: Princess Juliana International Airport

    After getting the call from the client, I had about a week to prepare for about a week at sea.  The first couple days were filled with producing the logistics of the travel itself and the shock of hearing I’d be working on a cruise ship, then the fun of looking into the destinations set…

  • Caribbean Cruise Part 4: Drinks in the Islands

    While the Caribbean does have many local products, much is imported.  Partly due to the cost of transportation and partly because of the low-volume need, the cost of living can be very expensive in the islands.  One area that does not carry a premium is in locally produced beverages.  Time for a drink! Distilled spirits…