The bluest of skies. The clear, coral water. The lush green trees. Before even getting off the ship, the Caribbean was already one of the most colorful places I’d ever seen. The people of the Bahamas, St. Thomas and Sint Maarten are ethnically diverse with colorful personalities, and the range of hues in their clothes, on their homes and in their art reflects it.

The Bahamian flag is nearly ubiquitous throughout Nassau. This small collection of islands, a British colony, looks to their flag as a symbol of hope. Shelly, who I mentioned in a previous post about the Bahamian people, pointed at the flag and said “That? That’s the Bahamian flag. The flag of the Bahamas. That represents our country. Our land. It’s where we are from. Where we call home.” A black triangle represents Unity and Determination of the Bahamian people with the 3 stripes representing the Bahamas’ natural resources; 2 blue for the sea and 1 gold for the sun.

The colors don’t stop – Buildings, murals, signs, cars, addresses, the homes they’re posted on and the details that adorn them all feature vibrant colors throughout the collection of islands visited.

Outgoing or shy, adventurous or timid, interested in day-time or night activities, take a moment to appreciate the materials and colors that make up the world around you no matter where you are. And keep making great photos!